Earth day is annual event created to celebrate the planet’s environment and raise public awareness about pollution.
This day, marked on 22 April 2020 ,Our School observed,indoor activities,projects,posters and designing. In a preventive measure against fast spreading #Covid-19.
Student’s creation and innovation not locked down
India is locked down but our BSM ATL tinkerers are not.
COVID 19 challenge accepted. Tinkerers are in full swing designings
Secondary Section
Tejas Kulkarni- Std.VIII -Automatic Soap Dispenser
Anjaneya Puranik - Std.VIII –Fight Against Corona
Jaii Pathak - Std.VI-Animation
Shaunak Kulkarni-Std.VI-Message Through Aniamtion
Sanchita Sanule-Std.VI- Sea Game
Ovee Bagul-Make PPE Hand gloves at home
Animated Small Story -Purva Patil –Std.VI
Animation- Swarali Natu-Std.VI
Battlefield of Covid-19 game-Shivam Jeste - Std.V
Yash-Std.VI –He has made face shield using transparent sheet,foam piece,cardboard ,elastic band and double sided tape.It can be made within 15 mins.
Higher Secondary Section
Param Birje-XI Science-CONOTIFY
Message: CoNotify is the world's first device to remind people to keep their hygiene clean, by prompting them to wash their hands periodically whenever entering / exiting any premises.Here's a short video of CoNotify and how it can change our lives.
Aalap Kulkarni & Pranav Pathak
College Name: MES Higher Secondary School, Kothrud,Pune 38
XI Science Students
3D-Modelling -Adityan A
Posters By XI Science Students
Vedashri Kulkarni-XI Science
Message: This potrait's signify the basic human nature when read from left to right... Basic quality of human kind never change... i.e being polite... happy... helping... caring... loving... generous to nature.. But as the time pass a human being tends to change its behaviour...which disturb nature cycle her face is the reflection of the same... With you all A VERY HAPPY EARTH DAY AND A PROSPEROUS LIFE
Aaditya Pankar-XI Science
Adityan A.-XI Science
Vedashri Kulkarni-XI Science
Message: Newly designed logo of Three Soldiers of Corona Warriors by Vedashri
Sharvari Saraswate –XI Science
Celebrating Earth Day 2020-Plant One .....Each One ... Activity-XI Science Student